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LEFT Behind

LEFT BEHIND is drama film that follows the story of Eddy, an aspiring teenage boxer from East London. Eddy has dreams of leaving the working class life that his single mother has provided for him and his brother behind. One day, he has an argument with his girlfriend about their relationship, following this he meets with his best friend Sam, who is a local drug dealer. They fall into an altercation with Dennis, a gang member, because he believes Sam has previously ripped him off. The two escape from the brawl unscathed and decide to split up. Eddy then goes to pick up his brother, Aaron, from school who is coincidently in trouble for fighting. They have a conversation about the importance of detaching themselves from the stereotypical image that society has set out for them by Eddy becoming a successful boxer. When they arrive home, Eddy and his mother quarrel about the behaviour of his brother and she blames his boxing for influencing Aaron to resort to violence to solve his problems. Eddy and his mother reconcile their argument, he feels guilty for arguing with Kate, his girlfriend, and he makes plans to meet up with her to resolve things and leaves the house. The earlier altercation with Dennis leads to a fatal attack on Eddy’s life, which brings his dreams of becoming a professional boxer and creating a better life for his family to an abrupt end.


The Cause


Acid Attacks in the last few years have continued to rise, having become an ongoing problem, especially in London. This cannot continue. However, we need your help to make our goal a reality. We aim to showcase this film in film festivals all over the world, and also spur other creatives, television shows, and films to document this cause with us. With what you are donating, you are not only helping our film but helping the people this film will aid in the long run and raising funds for Acid attacks charities 

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